Saturday, 4 October 2008

Aaaaaaand.....we're back.

After a slight (6 month) coffee break, I finally looked up at the canteen clock to see that it was time to get back to work and start delivering my finest ruminations to an undoubtedly still completely indifferent world. So, having stuffed my plastic sandwich wrapper into the overflowing bin and replaced my freshly rinsed 'you-dont-have-to-be-mad-to-work-here' mug back in my locker, both my typing fingers are once again at your disposal. Let's catch up...
My last 'status report' would have been at the beginning of the year - Another Year Over - you may want to cast a speedy backwards glance over those witterings, the better to follow these.
The first major change would be that Kayessjaykay Towers is no more. Well, obviously it still actually is, but it no longer has anything to do with me or mine. After a Herculean effort, which did indeed pretty much consist of tipping the entire flat into a skip, the old garret was emptied, sluiced down and liberally painted with 'economy white' on every surface. A willing dupe buyer was duly found and a price agreed. Thankfully the dealings with the solicitors and all the forestworth of paperwork went with the minimum possible amount of stress in these situations (i.e. only 'near' fatal) and incredibly the 7-day aftersale 'here, wait a minute' contractual obligation period passed without so much as a 'here, wait a minute'... So the sticky plaster, string and chewing gum quality repairs to the floors, roof and central heating can fall apart all they want, it's no longer my responsibility. Good news.
And even gooder news is that we have found a new Kayessjaykay Towers. Except this is more of a stately pile in the country, which shall henceforth be known as Kayessjaykay Manor. Yes we now have a proper family dwellhouse, on three levels and with plentiful grounds featuring outlying steadings. In other words we have a loft and a coalshed...
The even even gooder news is that we have once again pulled off the charade of being undercover commoners in the exclusive West End. Only Wester.

Next up, the employment situation. This has seen another major change. As you may have guessed from my tortuous office-based analogies above, I am now office-based. Still in law enforcement however, and thankfully freed once again from the gross ineptitude of the Council. There is most definitely a story to be told about that disastrous episode, but it will have to wait until my eyes stop bleeding whenever I think about it. Suffice to say, I feel useful again.

Now, there is obviously a mountain of other stuff I need to catch up on, but that's for another time. Hey, I need to have something to write about next time. Whenever that is...

1 comment:

Misssy M said...

About blummin' time. I expect the next post to be about K jnr's wedding...